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Malcayang 84820-05100 New Power Window Switch For Toyota Avensis 8482005100 84802-05210 Driver Side Window Control Switch


SKU: 2251832802336283 Categories: ,
Malcayang 84820-05100 New Power Window Switch For Toyota Avensis 8482005100 84802-05210 Driver Side Window Control Switch

Product Description:

-100% New,100% Factory tested.

-Global Leading Brands ,Popular Among Customers.

-Lifetime Tech Support From Malcayang Brands.

-Competitive Price With Professional Service and High Quality Standard.

-Please Comfirm The Parts Number Before Purchase ,Or Provide The Original Product Image Shape.

-It have Differenct Of Model and Appl. Year in Different Market.

-This Is Aftermarket Replacement Item But Not Genuine.

Part number:

84820-05100, 84820 05100, 8482005100

84802-05210, 84802 05210, 8480205210

Compatible With:

For ToyotaAvensis Station WagonT252.2 D-CAT2005/07-2008/112231 ccm, 130 KW, 177 PS
Market      Date range       Model      Frames/Options
General    01/2003-10/2008    For Toyota Avensis    AZT250
04/2006-10/2008    AZT250L-AEMGK    ELEGT, GEN, SED, LHD, 1AZFE, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEMNK    ENTRY, GEN, SED, LHD, 1AZFE, MTM, 5F
04/2006-10/2008    AZT250L-AEPGK    ELEGT, GEN, SED, LHD, 1AZFE, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEPNK    ENTRY, GEN, SED, LHD, 1AZFE, ATM, 4FC

Europe    01/2003-10/2008    For Toyota Avensis    ADT25*,AZT25*,CDT250,ZZT25*
05/2006-10/2008    ADT250L-AEFEYW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
05/2006-10/2008    ADT250L-AEFNYW    ENTRY, EUR, SED, LHD, 1ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
05/2006-10/2008    ADT250L-ALFEYW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 1ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
05/2006-10/2008    ADT250L-ALFNYW    ENTRY, EUR, LB, LHD, 1ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
05/2006-10/2008    ADT250L-AWFEYW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 1ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
05/2006-10/2008    ADT250L-AWFNYW    ENTRY, EUR, WG, LHD, 1ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-AEFEXW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-AEFEYW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 2ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-AEFGXW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-AEFGYW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 2ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-AEFNYW    ENTRY, EUR, SED, LHD, 2ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
04/2006-10/2008    ADT251L-AEFQXW    PAG, EUR, SED, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-ALFEXW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-ALFEYW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 2ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-ALFGXW    ELEGT, EUR, LB, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-ALFGYW    ELEGT, EUR, LB, LHD, 2ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
04/2006-10/2008    ADT251L-ALFQXW    PAG, EUR, LB, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-AWFEXW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
04/2006-10/2008    ADT251L-AWFEYW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 2ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-AWFGXW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
04/2005-03/2006    ADT251L-AWFGYW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 2ADFTV, DCR, MTM, 6F
04/2006-10/2008    ADT251L-AWFQXW    PAG, EUR, WG, LHD, 2ADFHV, DCRL, MTM, 6F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEMEHW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, MTM, 5F
04/2006-10/2008    AZT250L-AEMEKW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1AZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEMGHW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEMGKW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 1AZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEPEHW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEPEKW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1AZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEPGHW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AEPGKW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 1AZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-ALMEHW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-ALMGHW    ELEGT, EUR, LB, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-ALPEHW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-ALPGHW    ELEGT, EUR, LB, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, ATM, 4FC
04/2006-10/2008    AZT250L-AWMEHW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AWMGHW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AWPEHW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-10/2004    AZT250L-AWPEKW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 1AZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    AZT250L-AWPGHW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 1AZFSE, D4, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-10/2004    AZT250L-AWPGKW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 1AZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
04/2006-10/2008    AZT251L-AEAEHW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 2AZFSE, D4, ATM, 5FC
09/2003-03/2006    AZT251L-AEAGHW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 2AZFSE, D4, ATM, 5FC
09/2003-03/2006    AZT251L-ALAEHW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 2AZFSE, D4, ATM, 5FC
09/2003-03/2006    AZT251L-ALAGHW    ELEGT, EUR, LB, LHD, 2AZFSE, D4, ATM, 5FC
09/2003-03/2006    AZT251L-AWAEHW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 2AZFSE, D4, ATM, 5FC
09/2003-03/2006    AZT251L-AWAGHW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 2AZFSE, D4, ATM, 5FC
09/2003-10/2004    CDT250L-AEMEXW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCRL, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-AEMEYW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
09/2003-10/2004    CDT250L-AEMGXW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCRL, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-AEMGYW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-AEMNYW    ENTRY, EUR, SED, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-ALMEYW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-ALMGYW    ELEGT, EUR, LB, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-ALMNYW    ENTRY, EUR, LB, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-AWMEYW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-AWMGYW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
03/2003-03/2006    CDT250L-AWMNYW    ENTRY, EUR, WG, LHD, 1CDFTV, DCR, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT250L-AEMEKW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 3ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT250L-AEMGKW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 3ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
04/2006-10/2008    ZZT250L-AEMNKW    ENTRY, EUR, SED, LHD, 3ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
04/2006-10/2008    ZZT250L-ALMNKW    ENTRY, EUR, LB, LHD, 3ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT250L-AWMNKW    ENTRY, EUR, WG, LHD, 3ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
04/2006-10/2008    ZZT251L-AEMEKW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-AEMGKW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-AEMNKW    ENTRY, EUR, SED, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
04/2006-10/2008    ZZT251L-AEPEKW    TEC, EUR, SED, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-AEPGKW    ELEGT, EUR, SED, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-10/2004    ZZT251L-AEPNKW    ENTRY, EUR, SED, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-ALMEKW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-ALMGKW    ELEGT, EUR, LB, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
04/2006-10/2008    ZZT251L-ALMNKW    ENTRY, EUR, LB, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-ALPEKW    TEC, EUR, LB, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-ALPGKW    ELEGT, EUR, LB, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-10/2004    ZZT251L-ALPNKW    ENTRY, EUR, LB, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-AWMEKW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-AWMGKW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
04/2006-10/2008    ZZT251L-AWMNKW    ENTRY, EUR, WG, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, MTM, 5F
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-AWPEKW    TEC, EUR, WG, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC
01/2003-03/2006    ZZT251L-AWPGKW    ELEGT, EUR, WG, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC

01/2003-10/2004    ZZT251L-AWPNKW    ENTRY, EUR, WG, LHD, 1ZZFE, HTWC, ATM, 4FC

How to Replace a Faulty Window Switch:

Step 1: Disconnect the negative battery terminal before working on the switch to prevent short circuit. Next, unclip the handles using a screwdriver.Lift the faulty switch out of its harness.

Step 2: If you don't want to take off the door casing or the door handle, simply slide a flat-head screwdriver under The switch bezel and pry it until it loosens to access the housing.

Step 3: Once the switch pops out of the bezel, disconnect it from the wire harness and detach it from the outlet. Remove the rockers before inserting a new switch into the harness holes.

Step 4: Assemble the rockers into the new switch and snap the device into the bezel.


-Installation Instruction is NOT included.Professional Installation Is Highly Recommend .
-Due to the light and Screen Difference, The item's Color Maybe Slightly Different From fhe Pictures.
-Please Allow 1-2mm Differences Because of the Manual Measurement.Please Understand.

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Brand Name



Mainland China

Item Height


Item Type

Window Control Switch

Item Weight


Item Diameter



84820-05100, 84820 05100, 8482005100


For Toyota Avensis Station Wagon T25 2.2 D-CAT 2005/07-2008/11

Material Type


External Testing Certification


Item Length


Special Features

Power Window Switch

Item Width


Model Name

84820-05100 8482005100 84802-05210



Package Type

Inner Bubble Bag With Customized Box